Trial of Johnny Cade

150+ intermediate students at Gananoque Intermediate and Secondary School have been studying the novel The Outsiders for the past four weeks. The students have enjoyed the novel immensely. Their energy and passion for the book has inspired our expansive and epic culminating assignment “The Trial of Johnny Cade”. Even though Johnny Cade is a fictional character from S.E. Hinton's novel, we are going to make this as real as possible. It requires everyone to "get into role". Students will become the witnesses, the barristers, the solicitors, judge, jury, social media, the press, forensic teams and sketch artists. Students will have just over a week to prepare themselves. With the guidance, knowledge and experience of community members, intermediate teachersand high school teachers, students will immerse themselves into the roles. They will work with community artists, police officers, lawyers. They will find themselves in the high school science labs, law classes and art studios. The rigorous training and collaboration will make the event seem a reality.

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Jury's time to shine. It's all up to you
closing statements from the defence and the prosecution. It's in your hands jury

Third witness

The third witness it Johnny Cade

Second witness

The second witness is Ponyboy Curtis

First witness from the defence

Cherry Valance is the first witness for the defence

Fourth witness

Bobs mom is being examined and Bobs dad was excused from the court room. The trial is getting pretty thence

3rd witness

The police officer on the scene of the crime is so up for examination

Second witness

Second witness is up. Randy Adderson

The first witness is up

David McCain is the first witness and is up for examine the witness

The opening statements are now over. It is in the jury's hands to figure out if Johnny is guilty or not
Bryan with the Y fantana is here introducing everyone

It's on

The trial is now beginning. Hopefully their is justice for Bob

The trial

The trial is about to begin

We will win the trial Johnny will go to jail

Getting prepared for the trial

In 10min the trial will begin and Johnny will be proven guilty for murdering Bob Sheldon

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

About Bob's friends

Bob had lots of friends in the gang but they were more than friends to him and the whole gang was devastated when he was murdered by Johnny in cold blood especially his girlfriend that made the whole gang angry at the greasers and Johnny also burned down a barn.

Leaked evidence from the forensic team

In this photo you can see a jean jacket (possibly Johnny’s) that looks like it has been thrown onto the bench from someone that was trying to either hide something or was running from something and all i can think about is Johnny he killed Bob and had to run so he wasn't caught by the police. Also there is a foot print in the lower corner.


In this photo you can see the blade that was used to kill an innocent man Bob Sheldon. The blade in smothered in a good man’s blood. Can you imagine the pain that Bob had to endure, an 8in blade smashing onto your stomach.


In exactly 18h the Johnny Cade case will be on!!

Getting ready for the trial

The Social Media team is getting ready for the trial that starts tomorrow at 8:30am. Anyone that can come please do or you can stay tuned to our Facebook page justice for bob, twitter page @jusiceforbob and our blog. All will be updated with what is going on in the trial tomorrow.


Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Defence is just fooling around

Seems like the defence isn't taking the mock mock trial very seriouslyHere is the defence that is working to prove Johnny guilty. Looks like all they are doing is fooling around and seeing if they can get a few laughs. I dont know about you but it looks like they are trying to get some of the jury to go on there side by doing crazy thing because they know that Johnny is guilty and they know the jury wont side with them so they do crazy things like they are doing in this picture tooken during the mock mock trial.

Evidence Submitted by the Prosecution

As you can see in this video Bob and his buddies were just walking by, Johnny called it on, Bob said that he just wanted to scare Ponyboy and Johnny, not to kill them and then Johnny came and stabbed Bob and Bob wasn’t even the one putting Pony's head under the water. That makes us feel that Johnny wanted revenge over Bob and that he didn’t really care if he was the one who was drowning Pony or not he just wanted Bob dead.    


Monday, 4 March 2013

Justice for Bob!

The murder of Bob was by Johnny Cade, But we ask why did he do it? We don't want an answer we demand an answer!!!

We make sure that Johnny goes to jail.

Bobs friends

Bob was as a good guy so he had a bunch of friends like Randy and Cherry (Bob’s girlfriend)

   Randy is a good guy. After Bob’s death Randy still went to Ponyboy's house to see how he was doing. Ponyboy was involved in the murder of Randy's BEST friend Bob but still Randy went to Ponyboy's house by his self to make sure he was okay.

Cherry was Bob’s girlfriend. Cherry is a cheerleader, she is rich and isn’t one to go with everyone else she will stand up for what she believes in. Cherry is the perfect soc girlfriend, perhaps, until one day her boyfriend dies.


Tulsa Oaklahoma is the second largest city in the state of Oaklahoma and is 45th largest city in the United States! Tusla was first settled between 1828 and 1836 by Lochapoka Band of Creek Native American tribe. For the most of the 20th century, the city held the nickname " Oil Capital of the World" and played a major role as one of the most important hubs for the American Oil Industry! Tulsa, along with several other cities, clams to be the birthplace of U.S. Route 66 and is also known for its Westeran Swing music! The city has been called one of America's most livable large cities by Partners for Livable Communities.

Bobs death !

How was Bob killed,

Bob was killed by getting stabbed right on the left side of his body.

Who killed bob,

Johnny killed bob sentence him for Murder!

Friday, 1 March 2013

Family of Bob

Bob was a person with a family who loved him very much. His parents always looked out for him and gave him the best life they could. He was a nice person when he wasn’t drunk and his parents would blame themselves when it wasn’t their fault.

When we asked the prosecution team some questions they responded way better that most of the other teams


What we have learned about the forensic

1. Have you found anything diffrent at the crime scene that wasn't describe by Johnny or ponyboy.

No, nothing surprising.

2. Do you think there was more people in the crime than Johnny and ponyboy

I think so it's pretty easy to prove this.

3. Do you think that bob was looking for them to beat them up or did they meet not knowing they were going to fight.

There was a motive or reason for bob to be at the fountain for sure.

The forensic team has been hard at work finding clues and investigating the crime scene. They have not found anything surprising that wasn't told by Johnny , ponyboy and randy. No one else was involved in the crime but what people were involved. It is for sure that bob wanted to fight and was searching for them all night!


Yesterday afternoon social media went to the newspaper for a "fluff" piece but in the end it turned out to be quite disturbing than expected. Every question asked was denied. Now there's a new questions...Are they hiding something? Are they intimidated by social media's advanced technology?  Are they not sure whether or no their sources are percise or false?

We'll be back with you soon with some more breaking news.

~Riley L.

When we went to ask the newspaper some simple questions the only answer we got was "No comment." I don't know about you but that makes use as the social media feel as if the newspaper is hidding something from use. Something that maybe they don't want the other newspaper and the social media to know about. There is no doubt that they are working hard on something that they don't want anyone other that themselves to know what it is they are working so hard on.